Europe 1: "How to regain your vitality? Sophie Chassat was the guest of Mélanie Gomez & Julia Vignali

The WEMEAN team

Sophie Chassat, philosopher & author ofÉlan Vital, was guest on "Bienfait pour vous" presented by Mélanie Gomez and Julia Vignali on Europe 1.

elan vital europe 1

Sophie Chassat, philosopher, visiting professor at Sciences Po. and associate of WEMEAN, is the author ofÉlan Vital, published by Calmann Lévy. She was the guest of Mélanie Gomez and Julia Vignali on Europe 1, on the question "How can we regain our vital momentum?

Can philosophy heal the mind? Is vitality the secret to happiness? How can we recognize our "élan vital"?

Far from a theoretical exploration, philosophy " cures with strange medicines, since it cures with ideas ": therapeutic philosophy, a concept that already existed in antiquity with Plato and Epicurus.

Rediscover your vitality by activating biophores(the carriers of vitality) and guarding against biocides(what kills your vitality). A dive into the heart of Sophie Chassat's latest book:

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