Discover WEMEAN's ground-breaking study of the SBF120, cited in the report " Rethinking the place of business in society "submitted by Bris Rocher to Bruno Le Maire and OliviaGrégoire.
In this study :
For this groundbreaking study, we carried out an in-depth analysis of the articles of association of 120 SBF120 companies.
Where the company's articles of association or preamble do not state a purpose, we have checked the company's website, annual management report, DEU (document d'enregistrement universel) and CSR report / extra-financial performance. Failing this, we conclude with "Not listed".
WEMEAN has carried out a ground-breaking study of the raison d'être and mission-driven companies in the SBF120 index.
Two years after the creation in law of the "raison d'être" and the "société à mission" status, we wanted to take stock of the companies in the Paris marketplace that have adopted these measures.
We have based our approach on a robust methodology detailed at the start of the study. The results of this review lead to two possible readings.
The first is disappointing, since only 14 SBF120 companies have included their raison d'être in their articles of association, and only one of these has become a mission-driven company (Danone).
The second is optimistic: nearly 6 out of 10 companies declare a reason to be formalized - and as many as 8 out of 10 in the CAC40.
After adopting a raison d'être, statutory or otherwise, comes monitoring and evaluation. Impact means achieving precise, measurable objectives. Purpose-washing is no longer an option: from now on, saying is already doing. The Paris marketplace is well on the way to becoming an impact market!