On a regular basis, WEMEAN share with you his recent readings on raison d'être and mission-driven companies.
💡 Companies: drivers of positive transformation?
Why should companies become the driving force behind positive transformation? This is the question that guides Audrey Tcherkoff, Executive President of the Institut de l'Économie positive, as reported by the Huffington Post.
💡 What future for corporate philanthropy?
Usbek & Rica invites the Bouygues Telecom Foundation to share with us its vision of the philanthropic ambitions of tomorrow's companies. Digital technology will play a key role in the transition to a new model of committed enterprise.
💡 A new mutual with a raison d'être
Happy news on the insurance front: Matmut is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a raison d'être! Its president tells us more about it in RelationClientmag.