WEMEAN has studied the raison d'être and the mission-driven company in the SBF120. Read Guillaume Jubin and Sophie Chassat's analysis in Les Echos. Interview by Julie Le Bolzer.
Raison d'être: statutory or not, a "powerful movement
"Writing the raison d'être into the company's articles of association proves to be much more restrictive, as it involves, for example, raising the subject in front of the board of directors and shareholders."
Guillaume Jubin, Partner.
"It's a powerful movement, and even if a minority of companies have respected the letter of the law by including a raison d'être in their articles of association, the majority have seized on the spirit of the law by defining a raison d'être. Finally, all these organizations have understood that it is necessary to associate concrete commitments, precise strategic and operational declinations, and measurable positive impact."
Sophie Chassat, Partner.
A collective and governance challenge that must mobilize managers and all stakeholders
"Regulations are bound to evolve, but in the meantime, companies are groping their way through the process, setting up Chief Purpose Officers here and Raison d'être committees there.
Guillaume Jubin, Partner.
"[The raison d'être or mission] can't come from the top down, it's about consulting stakeholders and the company's social body. Senior management [must be] mobilized and committed. This strategic subject must, by definition, be driven by top management."
Sophie Chassat, Partner.