Strategic Project

In the face of society's new expectations, the executive can no longer be content with being the company's chief strategist. He or she must become the ambassador of the company's raison d'être, the Chief Meaning Officer in his or her own right!


More than ever, a leader's impact depends on his or her ability to embody his or her vision. Impact is based on the consistency of this positioning with the company's culture. Impact is based on the recognition of expertise and its valorization within a qualified and committed ecosystem.

Our beliefs

Today's business leaders must embody their company's raison d'être. If they act as its guarantor and ambassador, the company's raison d'être becomes a source of meaning and support, both internally and externally.

The Leadership for Impact program positions company executives as "thought leaders" on strategic issues in their sector, within a broad professional ecosystem.

The Leadership for Impact program is based on 3 principles

Today's leaders must take charge of the company's "why? question. He or she must assume the role of guarantor of the company's raison d'être - internally - and ambassador - externally.

Today's leaders must turn the convictions that lie at the heart of their company into an asset they can mobilize in the service of their leadership. This consistency is now a brand asset in its own right.

The mark of true leadership lies in its ability to be shared. The leader must not only unite around a vision, but also lead by building a network of alliances inside and outside the company.

Our approach

Leverage the company's influence and the impact of its leaders on the basis of expertise, raison d'être and a vision of the sector and its future.

Formalization of high value-added content, media training and distribution to opinion leaders and journalists to broaden the executive's circle of influence and enhance the company's reputation.
Identification of contemporary and forward-looking themes aligned with the profile and expertise of the manager, the company's culture and sector. Promotion via traditional media and social networks.
Programs of meetings and exchanges, participation in public debate, identification of circles of influence and opinion relays likely to reinforce the influence of managers and the positioning of the company.