Michelin's raison d'être: "to offer everyone a better way forward".

As a precursor to the approach, the tire market leader wanted to recall both the strength of its corporate culture, rooted in a long history, and its ability to innovate to improve mobility. Formulated as a slogan back in 2015, Michelin's Raison d'être, "offering everyone a better way forward", thus refers to the paternalistic dimension of its corporate project. Above all, it clarifies the societal purpose of research and development. 

A non-statutory raison d'être that permeates the corporate culture

In 2018, Michelin's Raison d'être was completed. The Group decided to express it in a longer format, explaining its two axes, external and internal:   

"Because we believe that mobility is the foundation of human development, we innovate with passion to make it ever safer, more efficient and more respectful of the environment.

Uncompromising quality is our commitment and our priority in serving our customers.

Because we believe in everyone's personal development, we want to give everyone the means to express the best of themselves, and make our differences an asset.

Proud of our values of respect for facts, customers, people, the environment and shareholders, together we are living the adventure of better mobility for all."

A raison d'être embodied by its leaders

If Michelin's approach is particularly noteworthy, it's because it's supported by managers who have actively participated in the generalization and institutionalization of the Raison d'être. 

Jean-Dominique Sénard, Chairman of the Michelin Group from 2012 to 2019, was thus entrusted in 2018 with a mission on the theme of "Enterprise and the general interest". Along with Nicole Notat, former General Secretary of the CFDT trade union, he is behind the report "L'entreprise, objet d'intérêt collectif" submitted to Bruno Le Maire, Nicolas Hulot and Muriel Pénicaud on March 9, 2018. This report in turn inspired numerous measures in the PACTE law of May 22, 2019, including the possibility for a company to include its Raison d'être in its articles of association. 

Florent Menegaux, Michelin's current Chairman, continues to bring the Group's Raison d'être to life, making it a central axis of its transformation into a leader in mobility in the broadest sense: "You'll see Michelin in areas where you don't expect it," promised the boss of France's largest tire manufacturer on BFMTV on January 7, 2020. Our raison d'être is to give everyone a better way forward [...]. And it's not a transformation, it's more a return to our origins."

Concrete commitments to mobility

Michelin has also moved from its Raison d'être to concrete action. Its plan for 2030 includes commitments to more sustainable mobility. For example, the Group aims to reduce the energy consumption of tires in use by 20% by 2030 (compared with 2010).

The Group is also committed to internal mobility. Its objective for 2020, for example, was "to have 75% of management positions filled by internally mobile employees", or "to have 80% of managers in growth areas come from these same areas". 

Open governance 

Michelin has also distinguished itself through its open approach to corporate governance. As early as 2016, the Group set up a Stakeholder Committee made up of 12 personalities representing the company's main stakeholders. This committee must meet with the Group's Executive Committee for at least one day a year.