Mangopay's raison d'être: "Shaping the future of exchanges

As a leading provider of payment solutions for marketplaces, crowdfunding platforms and FinTechs, Mangopay is a partner in the success of many players committed to the sharing economy and participatory financing, such as the Vinted and Pumpkin platforms. In 2020, the company decided to formalize its commitment by identifying its raison d'être:

" Shaping the future of exchanges ". 

An inspiring, forward-looking raison d'être

Mangopay 's raison d'être is an expression of its values, its history and the role of its customers in the economy and society. 

Since its creation in 2003, Mangopay has been a pioneer and facilitator of tomorrow's technologies, in an entrepreneurial spirit that fosters innovation. Its history is inseparable from that of the entrepreneurs it supports: Mangopay was born to support them and meet their needs, following the success of the Leetchi collaborative kitty platform and its payment technology. 

By placing the values of cooperation, entrepreneurship and diversity at the heart of its vision and strategy, Mangopay is fast becoming a leading European expert.

A true partner and gas pedal for start-ups and large organizations alike, Mangopay is committed to shaping new types of exchange while promoting its role as an expert in the collaborative economy. Whether embodied in new payment solutions or in internal team communication, the notion of exchange is at the heart of Mangopay's raison d'être. 

An international co-construction process involving employees

Strengthened by very positive results in 2020 and with the ambition of increasing its international presence, Mangopay has a compass for the future and a means of federating its growing teams. 

The definition of Mangopay's raison d'être is the fruit of an international co-construction process involving numerous employees from all walks of life. Following an in-depth analysis of the company's history and DNA, interviews were held with key employees. Several workshops with internal ambassadors explored the collective's identity and intent.

The raison d'être is validated by the management committee and revealed both internally and externally in November 2020.  

From Mangopay's raison d'être to its raison d'agir: building a world of exchange with its customers

With its customers, Mangopay puts its raison d'être into practice. Whether they are involved in the sharing economy, the circular economy or crowdfunding, they share Mangopay's values and vision, and help put the company's raison d'être into action. They all work in their own way to increase exchanges and sharing between communities.

Among its recent successes, Mangopay has contributed to the development of the KissKissBankBank crowdfunding platform, dedicated to creative, associative and entrepreneurial projects, and the La Ruche qui dit Oui! platform, a key player in the short food supply chain sector. 

Committed to promoting greater diversity and inclusion in the tech ecosystem, in March 2021 Mangopay also launched the Marketplace for good initiative in partnership with the Willa collective. The program proposes to support female entrepreneurship and stimulate the creation of impact marketplaces. 

Mangopay launches Marketplace for good with Willa