Sophie Chassat's column in Le Point: "Le paradoxe de la rentrée: plus ça change, moins ça change" (The paradox of the new school year: the more things change, the less they change)

Sophie Chassat
Back-to-school paradox

Discover the new column by Sophie Chassat, Partner at WEMEAN, published in Le Point on the "back-to-school paradox". Excerpt.

A fortnight after the start of the new school year, we find ourselves in much the same state: exhausted, rinsed, defeated. [...]

But perhaps what wears us down most is the feeling that we're going through the motions, only to end up with more or less the same result: the same old routines. In other words: "the more things change, the less they change", as Paul Watzlawick, a leading figure in the Palo Alto school, put it. [...]

This autumn, let's not give up on the dual changes we want to bring about, in our representations and in reality, on a micro and macro scale. It's the right time: the parenthesis of new possibilities opened by the Covid crisis could well close sooner than expected.

Read Sophie Chassat's column on

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